Rob Mitchell MBE

Rob’s career in social care and social work began over twenty-five years ago, the last seven of which have been at a senior level reporting to the Director Adult Social Services within a Local Authority. Rob ‘learnt the ropes’ on the frontline of social care, firstly as a healthcare assistant then as a Residential Care Officer and Care Homes Manager, prior to commencing his career as a trainee and finally qualified social worker in 1998. Since then, Rob has worked across a range of adult social work settings, including as a hospital social worker, community social worker for older people & adults with physical disabilities and as an approved mental health practitioner (AMHP). He has also worked in management positions as a Team Leader and Team Manager and is currently Principal Social Worker at the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council. Rob was named Principal Social Worker of the Year at the Social Worker of the Year Awards in 2015. He is Co-Chair of the PSW National Network and you can follow him on Twitter @RobMitch92