Team of the Year (including MDTs)
Keeping Families Together
ORGANISATION: Darlington Borough Council
AWARD(S): Team of the Year (including MDTs)
Darlington Borough Council’s Keeping Families Together is an edge of care team made up of Social Work Team Managers, Advanced Practitioner Social Workers, Support Workers and a Therapeutic Practitioner, working together to create a solution-focused systemic approach for families.
The team was formed to take a relational and restorative approach with all family members to empower them to be included in planning, co-production, and delivery of the appropriate support.
The Keeping Families Together team was praised by colleagues for their informed and determined collaborative response to the pandemic, which saw the team work in new ways to ensure the support needs of North East communities were met while keeping staff as safe as possible. For example, recognising the extraordinary circumstances, the team assisted with supporting family members online and in over an intensive support period.
Hear more from the team in their own words below.
A flexible, resilient team which use a clear model of social work to make a real difference to keeping families together, especially during the Covid restrictions.
Lyn Romeo, Chief Social Worker for Adults, Department of Health and Social Care
The team appears dedicated and willing to undertake what can be challenging and difficult work.
Julie Roadnight, Team of the Year, Adult Services 2019
The Keeping Families Together team did not hesitate for a second when they were asked to work from home due to Covid 19. They continued to provide the same intensive level of support to families that they always do. New ways of working were embraced, virtual sessions and meetings became the norm, home visits and direct work conducted on doorsteps, in gardens, and back yards. The team rallied around each other to maintain morale and face the challenges together.
Chris Bell, Head of Service, Darlington Borough Council
Hand on heart, this was the best thing that could have happened to my family, they were on it straight away, they listened. But they didn’t just listen, they didn’t judge, they were there immediately for me and my daughter, they reminded me I was a good parent.
Feedback from people supported by the Keeping Families Together team
Silver Award
Preparation for Adulthood Service, Bradford Council
Leaving Care Service, Derbyshire County Council
Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw Children’s Hospice
Integrated Discharge Team, Derbyshire County Council, Derby City Council and Royal Derby Hospital