Championing Social Work Values


Emma Cox

ORGANISATION: Central Bedfordshire Council

AWARD(S): Championing Social Work Values

She’s not just an everyday social worker,” is how one service user described Emma Cox, and when reading her awards nomination, it’s easy to see why they drew this conclusion.


Emma was set on course for a career in social work after she made the decision to spend a year volunteering at a hospital in Romania, following the completion of her A-Levels.


The things Emma witnessed in the hospital shocked her and she stayed on for seven years, setting up a charity with her best friend to support local families and to raise funds to buy land, on which orphanages for disabled children could be built. She was successful in moving all 12 of the children she met in the hospital to the first residential home built.


Today, Emma continues to support the Romanian projects alongside her current post as a senior practitioner in children’s services, where she works mainly for the court team. In this role, she is considered to have an outstanding ability for relationship-based practice.


A role model for the profession both locally and globally, Emma stood out as a practitioner who truly lives and breathes the core and universal values of social work.


Emma represents core and universal social work values as a globalised Social Worker. Her passion of challenging oppression and discrimination is evident through tangible solutions and outcomes.

Kuldip Kang, BASW England Committee Member

I was blown away reading this application. As her colleague put it Emma is social work and this is her vocation. Her voluntary work is courageous, and her case work is exemplary. Endorsements from families are uplifting and she is a gift to central Beds!

Sherry Malik, Director of Children’s Services, NSPCC

My children still say they miss Emma and so do I. I don't think Emma realises how much of a positive impact she has made to my life and I will be forever thankful. I am still clean from drugs, I have my level 2 in counselling and am now going to begin training to be a prison officer, and I wouldn't be doing it without the confidence and the belief that Emma has in me.

Feedback from someone supported by Emma

Emma is an exceptional social worker who dedicates so much of her time to improving children’s lives. She is highly ethical, compassionate, professional, confident and this exudes from her. Emma also has an excellent understanding of differences and diversity in our children and how they fit in to the world around them. She is able to walk alongside them and provide them with the support they need; an exceptional example of social work values in action.

Ann Bollard, Team Manager, Central Bedfordshire Council


Lily Hopkins

Louise Walker MBE

Sharon Martin

Sherry Malik


Richmond and Wandsworth Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Team

Gail Faulkner, Leeds City Council


Miranda Lynn Johnson, Birmingham City Council

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